Mobile Crazy Golf – Crazy9 Fundraising Money for Childline

Crazy9 Fundraising Money for Charity mobile crazy golf childline ball mercer

If any of you know us, you’ll know that if we can help, we will help.  Supporting local charities as much as we can has always been a priority, whether it be helping with fundraising money for charity, volunteering our time or even by publishing BeeQuest – the Bees of Greater Manchester to raise money for the Manchester Memorial Fund.

As soon as we launched Crazy9 we realised that there was an opportunity for us fundraising money for charity so we contacted Childline and donated a mobile crazy golf corporate entertainment package to their Glamour of Manchester Childline Ball auction that took place in February.   The company who bid the highest, Mercer, asked us to set up the course on their second floor office building in the centre of Manchester for their staff to play during lunch time and afternoon breaks.

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